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Menon's take on the Bhagavata Purana is brilliantly condensed and organized in Blue God: A Life of Krishna so that the reader enjoys a Yoga-like experience as the story flips back and forth between Cosmic Krishna delivering the Bhagavad-Gita, and playful Krishna in his exuberant youth. By the end, the two timelines align into one singular expression fulfilling a satisfying depiction of stabilized Cosmic Consciousness.


Wildly entertaining, humorous, sensual, at times shocking and brutal, Blue God delivers a clear and relatable introduction to the Bhagavad-Gita while offering keen insight into the life of Krishna which becomes enormously helpful when one finds themselves inspired to take on The Mahabharata. 


NEW! Self-Guided with 2 Live Zoom Q&A Meetings

Meetings on two Sundays in Spring, dates/times TBD based on who signs up for this unit. This is an International Book Club and all time zones will be considered when choosing our dates and times.


 Self-Guided means that as soon as you sign up, you'll be given a link and password to a shared Box Account containing excellent Support Materials with main character descriptions, wonderful images, Challenges, and Points to Ponder. You'll also receive a suggested reading schedule in addition to having unlimited email access to me should questions, thoughts, or revelations come up while you're reading.


In late Spring we will have two live Zoom Q&A sessions, one emphasizing the first half of the book, and the second meeting covering the second half of the book.

VVBC: [Blue God]Self Guided with 2 Live Q&A Sessions

  • You may sign up for this Self-guided course of study anytime before Late Spring '24. We'll schedule 2 Live Sessions in May or June to discuss the wonderful events in the story. Live Q&A sessions will take place on 2 Sundays (TBD) at 12pm PT - 1:30pm PT. Recordings of meetings will be shared for a limited time.

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