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Jamey Hood
May 21, 20242 min read
2 Unexpected Benefits From Practicing Vedic Meditation
Before I became a full time Vedic meditation teacher, I was a theater performer for over 25 years. Frustrated with feeling anxious and a...
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Jamey Hood
May 16, 20241 min read
Claiming Self-Worth Through Daily Meditation
I used to put my self-worth in other people’s hands. Now I’m living a life I didn’t even know to dream for myself. It’s so far beyond...
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Jamey Hood
May 13, 20241 min read
Yeah + But: Overcome Resistance
These 2 Words Keep Us Stuck. Ever find yourself advising someone and hearing a series of "Yeah, but... Yeah, but... Yeah, but..." in...
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Jamey Hood
Mar 31, 20242 min read
Nostalgic for Suffering?
Looking back, one can say with certainty that they don't miss their stress. They aren't likely to consider "the good ol' days" as the...
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Jamey Hood
Apr 11, 20232 min read
AI and the Digital Collective
Have you interacted with the image generating AI called DALL-E? I'm fascinated by the digital space the collective consciousness is...
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Jamey Hood
Jan 9, 20234 min read
A Vedic Take on the Lyrics of "O Holy Night"
The first song ever broadcast over radio, the Christmas hymn, O Holy Night, has an origin story that is hard to pin down. Disagreements...
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Jamey Hood
Jan 1, 20231 min read
Start With Abundance
Amplifying thoughts about abundance is a wonderful way to celebrate the transition from the end of one year into the beginning of...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Have you ever held onto something for so long that you forgot you were holding on to it? Energetically it's taking up space, but it's...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20222 min read
Choosing Thoughts
Recently my Summer wardrobe got an upgrade. I let go of any drab and worn out items and replaced them with colorful well-made spiffy...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20222 min read
What's It For?
Cramming about a month's worth of work into one week, I had to ask myself, "What's it for? Why am I working so hard?" I have been...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Turning Points
On the last day of the meditation course, I went to see one of my best friends in a play. Richard the III was being performed outside in...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20222 min read
Expand and Contract
For those of us who were able to join Thom Knoles in Sedona on the rounding retreat, we got to experience an expanded version of our...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Filter Free
In the age of social media at a time when in person interaction is limited, there seems to be a strong desire in the collective to be...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Self Doubt is a Mistake
The intellect gathers data from outside itself to make informed decisions. If an individual (the ego) has never experienced its Universal...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20222 min read
The Library is Open
Opening the top set of doors of my antique Chinese cabinet painted Guru-Robe orange by the previous owners (which is precisely why I like...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Go Ahead
Go ahead and Stir the bathwater. Put your bare feet in the grass. Take a nap in a patch of sunlight. Sniff that luscious nectarine before...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20222 min read
Sad Orchid
The high quality, very sweet way they took care of their plants inspired me to take better care of my plants and also, to take better...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
How Do You Celebrate?
Recently, I celebrated the culmination of a lot of hard work, devotion, dedication, and diving into the unknown. A labor of love came to...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
I Don't Understand
"I don't understand" is stagnant. It doesn't move us any closer to understanding, but rather, keeps us stuck in a state of not...
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Jamey Hood
May 14, 20221 min read
Trust Your Self
As meditators, we awaken an awareness that our individuality is an outlet through which Nature's Intelligence enjoys Itself. Knowing this...
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